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Yep! It’s as good as what others are say it is!! The art is just quite breathtaking. It resembles Aoi Hana in the use of soft water colours and it’s all just very pretty. Sakura is regularly used in the backdrop. ^_^ The character designs are simple and cute although I did get a tad confused at the start – especially once Shuichi started dressing up as a girl!! In any case, for those who are new to the story and did not read the manga, you will probably be a little confused by who all the people are. Just a quick question for those who have watched this – who is the lady that brings Yoshino a boy’s uniform? It’s not her mum right!?

Yoshino and Shuichi both have desires to be the other sex. I’m looking forward to the development in the story. It’s about time we had such a beautiful anime to watch! Must say that the opening and closing theme songs are a bit of a disappointment. *sigh* Can’t have everything! *goes off to watch Aoi Hana’s OP*

Those who haven’t watched this MUST give it a go!!!

I’ve been meaning to summarise what is catching my eye in the coming season but spare time has been hard to find lately!! Luckily both Yuri no Boke and hashihime has both summarised what’s coming this season. I’ll simply highlight those that I will be checking out. I might not be entirely accurate on the plot summaries…just a warning…The following is broadly in the order of the most appealing first…

Hourou Musuko

Episode 1 on 13 January

Story: Shuicihi Nitori appears to be a shy and quiet preteen boy, when he transfers to a new school he quickly makes friends with the tomboyish Yoshino Takatsuki who sits next to him. It soon becomes apparent that both Shucihi and Yoshino are more than simply a sensitive boy and masculine girl, they both are transgendered. Together they decide to take the first steps toward becoming the people they want to be (taken from ANN).

Reasons for watching: There are a number of reasons to watch this one!! Firstly, the mangaka is the one from Aoi Hana, Takako Shimura!! There’s no yuri but the anime focuses on some transgender issues!? Sounds interesting!! Plus if you go to the website and check out their trailer, the art is soft and endearing with a very classical music OST. I love the use of strings!!  How can you NOT watch it!?!? Seiyuu wise, it’s also quite attractive with Aki Toyosaki (Yui from K-ON!), Nana Mizuki (Fate from Magical Girl Lyrical), Saeko Chiba (Natsuki from Mai-Hime), Yoshino Nanjou (Maria from Canaan), Yui Horie (need I say more!?) but they seem to all just play supportive roles. The main two characters are played by new voice actors, I think?

Read the rest of this entry »

I haven’t really paid attention to the last few chapters as I find the story is just TOO slow!!! Am I the only person who thinks so?? BUT, it’s about time us yuri fans get back into Aoi Hana. Chapter 32 (as always, we need to thank Lililicious!!) brings in some new excitement into the story!!! hehehe What better than for all the girls to head to an onsen trip and bare themselves!!??! Hmm…actually that’s not a bad idea of a trip…*notes it down* *BEAM* Ooops…sorry got sidetracked!! hahaha Anyway so quick check it out!!! Now I want to know what happens in chapter 33!!! Oh and take a guess which was my favourite page??? hehehehe

Note: The picture to the left is from the manga and is an image of the train station. Hakone is one of the most famous places in Japan for hot springs. Aaaaaah!! I could do with a visit now!!!! hahahaha

So I was finally at home reasonably early and about to do some yuri catchup when something went “DING” in my head…

OMG…is it today!?!? *goes off to check* OMG!!! It’s TODAY!!!

YES! That’s right!! Yasashii sekai… has now been around TWO WHOLE YEARS (and 1 day cos I forgot :P)!!! WOW WOW WOW!!! I can hardly believe it myself!!

Work has been hectic for me this year so regulars to my blog would notice that it’s updated less frequently than it used to but I will TRY to keep it up!!! Before I ramble on too much, let’s have a quick recap of some highlights in the last 365 days…


This one must top my list!!! Breathtaking art, doki doki moments and with an opening that gives you that indescribable “AWWWWWW” warm fuzzy feeling…what more can we ask as yuri fans?! Oh and did I mention an absolute squeal fest opening song and closing scene!?!?! ^___________^ I love some of the quotes in the anime so I chose to revisit a few…


Not quite as perfect as Aoi Hana but hey! that one is hard to beat!! Sasameki Koto is in my opinion a bit more patchy in terms of yuri enjoyment. There are some moments which captures the hilarious slapstick comedy but at times can also get quite serious…almost too serious. In my opinion, the manga (particularly the 2nd half) is much better. The art always manage to take my breath away every so often.


LOVED LOVED LOOOOOOVED this anime!!! Light-hearted and HEAPs of fun!!! And best of all, about MUSIC!!!! YAY!!! I think my favourite characters were Yui and Mio!!! *BEAM*


Basically a story about an academy filled with elite bright students equipped with special powers but they spiced things up with a sprinkle of yuri, a glimpse of the different types of panties available and flashes of someone’s panties. “Aaaaah. Seeing your striped panties always calms me down.” PWAHAHAHAAHAHA


This was one just for laughs but was entertaining enough!!! ROFL!!! SUPER DODGY!!! This anime crossed paths with bondage, stalkers, some tongue action, groping, lingerie, cat ears/tails, cosplay, wearing aprons with nothing underneath O_Ox9999999, pocky game…the list goes on…hmm…looking at this list, no wonder Sapphire Onee-chan is a fan of this anime!!!! :P


Mahjong has never been this exciting before!! And SOOOOOOOOOO YURIFIED!!! hahaha If only there was season 2!!!! ::CRIES::


Last but not least is Canaan!!! Maria x Canaan!! *SQUEAL* The first half was better than the first half though…I loved the theme songs!! I bought the singles!!


PWOAH! I’m exhausted with writing about all the above!! Well this year, I want to do something different. I am going to see who are some of my most active regulars on my blog and their comments!!! This will be INTERESTING!!! The date is the day on which they commented for the first time. This will be approx. as some people could have commented earlier on as Anonymous etc. Likewise the number of pages includes all comments where the person posted and was referred to by another commenter BUT, it does give us an idea who were the SPAMMERS!! hahahaha :P (FYI, each page is roughly 20 comments)

Starting with who made the first comment…


Tessa ~ 21 September 2008 (18 pages)

The first post

I just wanted to say Horraaay! A couple weeks ago I stumbled here while looking for any info on the 4th season. I was happy to find somebody as anxious as I was about the release date, and tonight I checked and saw the 2009 and a 1 on the main image of the site, so I jumped over here to see if it was what I hoped it was! And it was! Now I just hope a good fansubbing group will do it right away. I intend to buy it when it’s released in the US officially, but waiting a year+ for Right Stuf to release would be murder! It was hard enough waiting for the first season to arrive and I’d already seen it.

Hrm, I know they have the rights to seasons 1-3, but I wonder if that carries over to season 4. Hopefully not.

P.S. I read your ‘about me’ section, and you really shouldn’t have skipped over most of Sailor Moon, you should watch it all. (source)

Memorable comments!!

I… I may have to see this just to understand how obsurd it is. *nod nod* (source – Seikon no Qwaser)

Ooh does this mean you finished all the episodes? I love love love BOSS! So cool. Eriko’s the kind of woman I would follow like a puppy dog, swooning. I could SO call her Onee-sama. (source – Boss jdrama)

Luckily I work overnight so nobody important could see, but I was glad it didn’t cause any worrisome questions about why exactly my IE window was plastered with panty-shots (and random boobies with faces…)

I swear just the boobies with faces are enough to make me want to see! (Strangely though, it’s not the first series I saw with boob faces.) (source – Chu-bra anime)

*gasp* I can’t believe I never heard of this! Too bad the games aren’t in english… BUT WAIT! Somebody’s translating the first game! They’re supposedly very far, but the last update was in May, so I dunno.

And hehe, it’s amusing to see you fret over sharing “dodgy” stuff. (source – Hanabira)

Person A / Viridian ~ 1 December 2008 (7 pages)

The first post

this is a subbed version of it (source – hehehe it’s one of the Shoujo Sect post! TRUST you to comment on that!!! :P Who would have thought that I’d pull this one out after SOOOOO long?!! MUAAHAHAHAHA)

Memorable comments!!

:0 shhhh!!!!!!! not so loud! that’s supposed to be a secret! Haha I guess I am the type that can cry pretty easily. Talking about sad movies, have you seen this one called “A Moment to Remember” ? (source)

I personally think Virgin Snow is…. well, I don’t know, it’s at least decent, tbh I secretly shed a few tears while watching it lol (source – Aoi Miyazaki)


Sapphire Onee-chan ~ 5 December 2008 (17 pages)

The first post

There is Maka Maka.

Funny how some of the scenes are a bit true to reality :P At least for me. It’s in color too! Enjoy! (source – Shoujo Sect again!)

Memorable comments!!


I had my comment box open so I didn’t see your SNEAKY comment Nakayo!!!
RAWR! -_# ::MASSIVE GLOMPING ACTION TO NAKAYO AND VIRIDIAN:: ::places Nakayo in her naughty imouto bag and place G in her naughty otouto bag:: STAY THERE! (source – Kampfer)

That had to be the most heated kiss I have ever seen in an anime..EVER! I was like O_O WHOAAH! *rewind…replay* *innocent face* I just had to confirm that actually happened the “way” it happened.

*gives Kampfer The Best Kiss Award* (would have been better if it were the female Natsuru, but we all know that already) (source)

j’adore j’adore j’adore!!!! FINALLY!!! It feels like it took forever for this chapter to come into my life! Totally epic and totally worth all that wait and frustration Morinaga put us through!

If Mari rejected Akko again this time, I’d go absolutely insane, knock her a good one, then steal Akko for myself! *daydreams into AkkoXMari couple time*~~~Drinking from the same straw, playing a round of strawberry pocky, holding hands, thinking about one another…matching panties…~~~ahhhhh life is sweeeeeeet!~~~

*dashes off to send Maki Maki a HUGE Thank you* (source – Girl Friends)

Choto mate! I was just “thinking” about it whereas you actually “did” it. :P
Plus that’s exactly the same does it make me crazier? Hahaha!

“Birds of a feather….watch Marimite and download them to their ipods.” -SapphiredEclipse

“When you can’t succeed….watch Marimite” -SapphiredEclipse

“When the going gets Marimite” -SapphiredEclipse

“I think Marimite..therefore I am” -SapphiredEclipse

—vivid craziness for your reading pleasure— ^___^ (source)


Both of your excitement is amplifying my excitement! I wish we hung out, then it would be even more fun! Marimite parties every episode night! ^__^ (source)

LOL! Not as raunchy as Shoujo Sect, but pretty darn close! I’m sure you read the first volume by now. hehe. I want to live in a dorm like that! (source)


Ninnypanties ~ 27 March 2009 (14 pages)

The first post

Hello. i stumbled across this website n i feel happyXD

she’s voicing
hitsugaya toushiro in bleach
karasuba in sekirei
edward elric in fullmetal alchemist
oosaki nana in NANA

and etc:D (source)

Memorable comments!!

yeah i just read octave… setsuko seems pretty lost without yukino… argh i hope shes not banging that guy!!! why cant ppl be decisive! GEEZ. n at the previous chap, when setsuko had her tummyache there was a memory of yukino saying she would rub setsuko’s tummy for her =^^= i tot that was nice(: i want a girlfriend who rubs my tummy for me too……. :( ok i sound like a fat lazy cat. NYAWW. (source)

well, what you can do is flip ur pillow to the blank side during day time, and at night, when ur all alone and the moon shines brilliantly through your window… you slowly flip ur pillow, ogle at the wonderful bishoujos, fantasize dreamily for awhile, AND MOOSH UR FACE INTO THE PICTURE! YAY!

simple, problem solved (source)


Jessy ~ 27 April 2009 (5 pages)

The first post

Hey I just saw Saki episode 4 and it was a subbed version (source)

Memorable comments!!

Hahaha hmmm… Well the part that Mari “confessed” was really touching… I almost cried at some parts can you believe that!?!?!?!? O_O

Yeah you’re right there are too many special moments…
I’ve jus red Chapter 22!!!! a lot of squealing hahaha!!!
you can read it on mangafox

I loved Chapter 19,, you could really feel the tension between those two,,
That was the time Akko began to fall in love^^

And again *waving my flag back and forth* xD (source)

OMG OMG OMG!!!! I’ve just finished reading chapter 21 of Girl Friends
(There are no words that can describe how wonderful this manga is)!!!!

I can’t wait for the translatin of chapter 22!!!!!! I haven’t checked out of how chapter 22 would be like…
I’d rather wait until the translation comes out,, like that it would be more exciting!!
I’ts WORTH THE TIME WAITING!!!! hahahaha xD (source)

The last year has been a wonderful year and all thanks to having you crazy bunch of people (I’m not just referring to the above regulars but EVERYONE who drops by here), we are able to openly share our weakness over yuri!!!! *SQUEALS!! GASPS!! AWWWW!!! KYAAAAAAA!!! SWOON!!!* hahahaha YOU get the idea!!

Everyone, THANK YOU + GLOMP!!! ^_^ I hope to continue seeing you around!!! Feel free to drop me any comments or suggestions!! I’m always open to new ideas!!!! Ja!!

OMG!! Where do I start!?! With this episode, I particularly liked how it started with Fumi and A-chan going to school again. It’s almost like they’ve taken us back in time to the beginning of the anime when they first met. Not a whole lot actually happens in this episode. Again, we can see how strong the bond between two is. One look at Fumi and A-chan knows something is on her mind. How great would it be to have a friend that knows you so well and be so sensitive of your feelings?

For the rest of the episode, there are some tying of loose ends here and there but otherwise, it was simply preparing us of a greater revelation to come…Who was Fumi’s first love?

In fact, even this important fact had slipped out of her memory over the years. Luckily it was rescued by their nostalgic walk back to their preliminary school. It brought back memories and tears to Fumi’s eyes.

The first person I fell in love with…

I remembered something very special…

Aoi Hana Finale-A

*sigh* We’re finally at the end of Aoi Hana. It was a perfect ending. I can just hope that a season 2 will appear. ::sob::

This is going to be ONE BIG POST!! Sorry guys but time has been scarce lately!! I cannot believe I have not watched episode 10 till now and the final episode is also out!!! OMG! I want to cry!!! It’s the end of the most pure yuri anime for the season!!! We need to cross our fingers and toes in hope that there will be a season 2!!!

I must admit that there is definitely a “doki-doki” touch everytime Yasuko calls out “Fumi”. It’s the way she says her name!? Always manages to take my breath away for a moment or two! hahaha In the below segment, I particularly liked the interaction between Fumi and A-chan especially when A-chan decides to take-off (holding hands of course!!) with Fumi leaving the other two behind. Did anyone catch the surprised look on Yasuko’s face when she saw A-chan grab Fumi’s hand!?? I SAW IT!!! hahahaha

Aoi Hana Ep10a

In this episode, I also really liked the subtle but ever so present support between Fumi and A-chan. A glance from A-chan to Fumi spoke wonders of the message she was trying to pass across and Fumi responded – with a smile.

Aoi Hana Ep10b

But the REAL surprise came from Fumi. I know we have been constantly describing her as mature but that maturity was really thrown into our face here!! Her conversation with Yasuko was…….I’m basically left speechless!! Go GIRL!! As much as I like Yasuko, what Fumi said was very true. You just need to learn to move on.

Aoi Hana Ep10c

*sob* One more episode left… >_<

Ooooh! There’s really not much to say in this episode!! I mean, it’s all just KYAAAAAAAAA moments!!! hahaha A-chan is just awfully cute!!! Lucky she’s a bit of a klutz otherwise we’d miss out on the coolest catch in yuri history!!! hahahahaha I went a bit crazy with the screen shots, yet again… *sigh* Well bear with me!!! A-chan and Fumi are just too cute!!

Aoi Hana Ep9a

Aaaaww!!! LOOK!! They’re holding hands!!!!! Too sweet!!! I’m honestly not hard to impress am I?!!? *rolls eyes*

Aoi Hana Ep9b

Read the rest of this entry »


Hello! Now let's cut to the chase! If you're here to squeal about yuri or update yourself on some Japanese dramas/movies and gossip - then this is the place to be!!! I personally prefer the squealing over yuri amongst other things!! HEHEHE (^_^)V

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Contacting me

You can e-mail me here or even add me on Meebo!!

Important Dates

  • 25 Jul ~ Rizzoli & Isles Ep 3
  • 31 July ~ Hanasuka Iroha Ep 18
  • 7 Oct ~ Last Exile Ep 1
  • 7 Oct ~ Shakugan Shana Ep 1
  • 19 Nov ~ Fate/Zero Ep 8
  • 29 Nov ~ Chihayafuru Ep 9


Anime I’m currently watching

Kuragehime Psychic Detective Yakumo Otome Youkai Zakuro

Thank you to ALL!

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