There were some really funny moments in this episode!!! The story is still working for me but not sure for how long…I mean there are only SO many fights you can have before you need to move onto something else!!!

Some of the LOL scenes:

  • “It would’ve been better if that bitch was a Kampfer!” – Ooooh!! hehe Jealousy!!?!
  • “Your house!? We’ll be all alone?! If I scream!?…Please be gentle…” – AHAHAHAHAHA How many times has this idea been recycled?! haha Never mind!
  • “Akane-chan, would you like it if someone ripped your skirt off?…That depends…”

Kampfer Ep2a

But the best joke by far was the SEIYU joke between Yui Horie and Nana Mizuki!!! TOOOOOOO FUNNY!!! hahaha It’s cracking me up, hearing Yui speak foul and act all un-ladylike!! hahaha They should do these jokes more often!! hahaha

Kampfer Ep2b

Finally, I can’t help but be slightly captivated by this mysterious looking School Council President!! Her voice too!! I tried looking up the seiyuu but doesn’t seem to be super well known…She’s kind of dangerous!! hahaha To top it off, she’s pretty!!!! **SQUEAL**

Kampfer Ep2c

OOoh….episode 3!! Where are you!!?!